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Development Boards & Kits - AVR Code.org Circuit Playground Edu Pack

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Development Boards & Kits - AVR
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    Printers IoT Pi Printer Project Pack

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  • Seeed Studio
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Related products

Part Manufacturer Stock Description
3399 Heyco 1 Terminals LABKIT #5 WIRE POSITION
3399-6000 3M Connectors 239 Headers & Wire Housings 26P IDC SOCKET W/O STRAIN RELIEF
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3399-7626 3M Connectors 1,318 Headers & Wire Housings 26P IDC SOCKET
3399-G000 3M Connectors 5,000 Headers & Wire Housings 26/SKT/PRA SB/30AVG W/O STRAIN RELIEF
3399-G600 3M Connectors 5,000 Headers & Wire Housings 26P IDC SOCKET W/O STRAIN RELIEF
3399-H000 3M Connectors 5,000 Headers & Wire Housings 26/SKT/PRASB/30AVG W/O STRAIN RELIEF
3399-H600 3M Connectors 5,000 Headers & Wire Housings 26/SKT/PRA SB//30AVG W/O STRAIN RELIEF
3399-J000 3M Connectors 5,000 Headers & Wire Housings 26P IDC SOCKET W/O STRAIN RELIEF